Friday, September 18, 2009

A New Experience

Two weeks have passed since I started my new experience at my new great school. It’s a new life for me, a new experience and a new beginning. I am sooooooooooooooooo happy full of joy thank God for that I have met so many new friends and new teachers. I have also started new subjects, very interesting ones.

School life is super awesome. Every day early in the morning, I go with my friend Dana to discover all the places around the school. We play on the swings and walk around the place. The classes are so beautiful, I really enjoy those five minutes between every class, of course excluding the part that includes lifting a 10-kilo bag through the corridors.

The extra subjects are nice if I get the chance to take all of them I would. I have chosen chemistry lab where we use lab equipments and conduct experiments. I’m really excited about the idea of doing some chemical reactions with my bare hands. I also chose electronics which is mainly electricity but it’s also practical.

I am laughing all the time. I never laughed or smiled that much in all my life. what I really like about this school is that all the students come from different places; from Amman, Irbid, Mafraq, public and private schools we are all new in school and new to each other .

I can’t wait to go to school tomorrow to see all my new friends and learn new stuff.

One last thing I’m still confused about is whether to choose the IGCSE system or the Tawjihi system. I’m currently taking all my subjects using the the IG syllabus. I will make up my mind soon.

After the Eid I will start community service. It will be nice, I guess I will benefit from my free time a lot and I will be helping people, that’s the best part.

Finally, I’m planning to visit my old school on a Saturday to see my old friends and teachers.

I have so much to say but simply I am happy and I never felt that much happiness before. Life is so beautiful and Insha’Allah it will stay like this.

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